Since Henan Gelgoog Machinery Co., Ltd have founded ,our company have a set of perfect quality assurance system, and passed the ISO9001:2000 international quality system certification. A warranty card per client, the superior quality make you worry-free.
Since you have interest in our any product ,our sale man will patiently answer your all questions.and provide personal solutions according to your questions.In order to prevent unnecessary loss caused by incorrect using, our company will send relevant technical personnel to show how to operate machine. To ensure properly use the product, allow the user to use safety, rest assured.
We wish you to love our products as much as we do. Warranties make sure you have a wonderful experience when giving you total peace of mind. During the warranty period,if you have any question about machine,you can fell free to contact us,we will provide a series of solutions until solve your problems.
Our company deal with your problems within 2 hours as soon as get your problems . To get better products after-sales service work, and receive user feedback problems in time, the company has specialized after-sales service team with professional answer and make feedback records timely , and provide the method to solve the problem. If needed to the on-site guidance, the company will arrange within 3 days professional personnel to the designated location to handle the problem .
The one bought our product ,no matter you are new or regular customer, our after-sales service staff shall be carried out follow-up phone calls that asking customer for the purchase of products known; the characteristics of the product whether is in line with the customer requirements .